How to watch Instagram Stories anonymously on iPhone and Android

Instagram stories are a great way to share experiences with friends and family, as well as build an audience with regular content updates. But what if you want to watch the stories of other people without them knowing? Fortunately, there are several apps that allow you to do this anonymously.

Here are five of the best apps to watch Instagram Stories anonymously on iPhone and Android:


  1. Instagram story viewer Storiesig  – This app is available for iOS and Android smartphones and allows users to view Instagram Stories without anyone knowing. You can also download photos or videos from any profile directly, allowing you to save these memories for later viewing. The app also ensures that all downloads will remain anonymous, so no one will be able to find out who’s checking out their stories.


  1. Unseen – Unseen is an Android-only application but it definitely deserves a mention when it comes to watching Instagram Stories anonymously. It has a simple yet powerful interface, allowing users to easily browse through multiple profiles within the same session. It also has an auto-hide feature which prevents any notifications from being sent when opening a story, so you’re completely undetectable while using this app.


  1. InstaPrivy – InstaPrivy is another iOS/Android app that gives users complete anonymity while browsing through Instagram stories on their phone or tablet devices. All downloads made using InstaPrivy can be saved in secret folders with passwords, ensuring that no one else knows what you’re up to! The backup option also allows users to keep their photos and videos safe in case of accidental deletion or data loss caused by corrupted storage devices.


  1. Ghosty – Ghosty is an Android-only application that enables users to watch Instagram Stories anonymously; meaning no one will be able to see who viewed their story unless they accept the request manually themselves! Ghosty uses smart algorithms which allow it to identify people as anonymous viewers instead of active followers, thus giving maximum privacy protection during each session.


  1. Story Watcher – Story Watcher is designed for iPhone and iPad users who wish to remain anonymous while watching other people's Instagram stories discreetly. It offers advanced features such as dark mode support, night vision mode and fast loading times which make it ideal for those who value privacy over everything else! Furthermore, all downloaded files are kept in secure folders with passcodes so only the user can access them at any given time.


In conclusion, there are plenty of options available when it comes to watching Instagram Stories anonymously on both iOS and Android devices; ranging from simple yet effective apps like Story Reposter or Unseen right up until more advanced ones like Ghosty or Story Watcher - so everyone can make sure they stay private during their social media experience!


Will Instagram notify the person if I screenshot or save their post?


When it comes to taking screenshots or saving posts from Instagram, the answer is generally yes. Instagram will notify the person or account whose post you have saved. The notification will appear in the form of a small blue circle with the profile image of the user who has taken the screenshot or saved your post inside of it. This feature exists to help protect users' content, as well as give them an idea of who is engaging with their posts and content.


However, there are some apps that can be used to take screenshots or save posts without triggering Instagram's notification system. These apps use advanced coding techniques to bypass Instagram's detection system and allow users to save a post without being detected. Some of these apps include Story Reposter and Unseen which are both available for iOS and Android smartphones, as well as Ghosty which is only available for Android phones. These apps also provide additional features such as secret folders with passwords and auto-hiding capabilities that further enhance the user’s privacy when using them to view stories anonymously.


It is important to note that while these apps may be able to bypass Instagram's detection system, they don't guarantee complete privacy when it comes to viewing other people's stories anonymously. This means that although you won't be detected by Instagram itself, other third-party services such as Google Analytics may still be able to track your activity online if you're not careful about your data usage and privacy settings. Therefore, it's always best practice to check your device settings first before using any kind of anonymous viewing app on your phone or tablet devices - just in case!

