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Thousands of Flowers Worn in the Hair as an Answer for PxC’s Homophobia

The samples of solidarity with CUP Vendrell and Arran’s militant multiply and social networks are buzzing against PxC’s homophobic mockery and insult. The hashtag #FloretaProuRacisme (FlowerStopRacism).

Strong feedback against homophobia takes place on social networks. It comes as samples of solidarity with CUP Vendrell and Arran’s militant Arkaitz Iza, whom was mocked and insulted by PxC (Platform for Catalonia) members, who used a photo of Iza wearing a flower in his hair, with a crear homophobic sense.

The far-right party spread online a personal photo of Arkaitz Iza having a flower in his hair, as mockery, and shortly after the acquittal of PxC Vendrell’s councilors. A while ago the party councilors gave Arkaitz Iza homophobic insults during a town council. Days before PxC’s counselors established a de facto comparison between Iza and Nelson Mandela.

The feedback initiative, following the example of the banana thrown at Dani Alves, has emerged from Iza’s fellows in El Vendrell, who used the hashtag #FloretaProuRacisme to accuse PxC’s homophobia and racism. Now people post on social networks images wearing a flower in their hair, an action that managed to turn around the contempt and disdain act of PxC.

CUP’s Twitter and Facebook also released a quick sample of support with Iza, with the independentist candidature’s logo followed by flowers and the text “Against racism and homophobia” and the hashtag #FloretaProuRacisme.

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